Auction - 15 January 2019 ver. 2


The auction starts at 12:00 (Danish time) on Tuesday, 15 January 2019

Due to the current widening of the summer-winter spread, GSD has experienced increasing interest for buying storage capacity in SY19. As a result, a major part of the available capacity has been sold for prices determined by GSD incl. price guarantee.


In order to ensure that all storage customers receive a chance to bid for a storage capacity, GSD has decided to offer the remaining storage capacity (831 GWh) on a sealed bid auction with market clearing price. In order to keep momentum in respect of the widening spread, the auction is determined to start at 12:00 (Danish time) on Tuesday, 15 January 2019.

The product auctioned will be based on a 1- year seasonal flex SBU with 170 days injection capacity and 170 days withdrawal capacity (170/170 product) with an option to upgrade up to 120/60 product within 48 hours after the auction. GSD's reservation price is 2.60 €/MWh. The unit prices for additional flexibility have been determined to 750 €/MW for firm injection capacity and 3,000 €/MW for firm withdrawal capacity.

Price examples for products with upgradet flexibility:

  • 170/85 days product - price 3.3 €/MWh
  • 120/80 days product - price 3.5 €/MWh
  • 120/60 days product - price 4.0 €/MWh

GSD invites all interested storage customer to participate in the auction by submitting a filled Bidding Sheet (enclosed). All terms and conditions are described in the Auction Rules. 

Any successfully auctioned capacity will be available as a 1 year product starting from 1 May 2019. If you have any question please contact us. 

In addition, GSD would like to use this announcement to give an overall status of the sale of the storage capacity in SY2019.

SY2019_ info before the auction 15-01-2019